3hgoods Co., Ltd

Business sector : Consumer Electronics

Location: 209, haseo-ro, buk-gu,gwangju,61000,korea, the republic of

3hgoods Co., Ltd brief info:
ecoray stand fir heater;3hgoods product is an ideal solution to warm up a desired place.create your own space with low-cost, high-efficiency ecoray productfeatures:1. smart heater: using your cell phone, you can on/off it also, you can check electricity charges. 2. energe saving :you can control the amout of power.you can change power consumption as you want. (10% to 100% )3. waterproof: it have rated ipx2. it is able to lifestyle waterproof.4. eco-friendly: electricity usage can be reduced as much as possible.

Item : electric heating and air conditioning appliances;electric home heating devices;other electric heating products

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