福步全球商业企业推荐: [promotional products] Solution Gmbh
2017-12-4 14:16 Svetazhai

Dear Sveta,
Thanks for your kind reply and sorry for my late response
It's our pleasure to hereby send our full order requirements to you for trailer needed.
Your offer should be submitted in this week at the earliest for final approval due to high demand and need for these products.

Please check our official Purchase Order form in below excel link to view or download using your email and corresponding
password as required and quote us according to the list of items, specifications, quantity and port of delivery.
[color=DarkOrange]https://www.coxslotsinc.com/coxslotsincoporations/imp&expdirectory/techdatasheet/home/index.php [/color]

Indicate your payment terms, lead time(duration), quote validity, packaging details and shipping method.
Waiting for your offer at the earliest and if possible make PI for us to check and put into action.
Will look forward for your swift response.
Name: Vivian Molly
Position: General Manager
Eastern Baltic Trade Company
Tel: (849) 2701 69 39
Address:Rudneva,23, Saint Petersburg,Russian
E: [email]info.msdmastrade@mail.ru[/email]

我之前上yandex查过这个公司,确实存在,但是是做粮油进出口的,我们公司是做汽配的,所以也怀疑过。。然后我好死不死的点了连接,然后还输了邮箱和密码:L 。10分钟后,我突然觉得不对劲,赶紧把密码改了。。下午的时候查看邮箱登陆信息,果然被对方尝试登陆过了,IP地址显示为尼日利亚。

2017-12-8 12:00 陈才坤

2017-12-13 00:14 leyicargo

2017-12-20 13:19 mike8554

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